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I’ve moved the blog for several reasons, the biggest being the following: I think I can share more info on melanoma here and maybe help just one more person. I’ve accepted that my privacy, which I so tenderly protected, is irretrievably gone but more importantly it isn’t about me anymore. If you want to get the updates automatically, scroll to the FOLLOW button and enter your email address.

All the old stuff is here too, look for the links if you want to read the entire grisly story to date. Today is a GOOD DAY! I am putting up my sore, cloven feet and resting.

Thursday May 10th I started back on the wondrous new melanoma treatment, Zelboraf, this time at 3 pills, 2 times a day, after being off treatment for 2 weeks due to a severe allergic reaction. Two hours later, I start itching and feeling feverish. It was easier this time. It wasn’t mind-bending misery, hook-up-the Demerol and take my jammies to Vanderbilt time.

I was warned there would most likely be joint pain too. It set in on Mother’s Day and my legs were aching and swelling. By Monday morning I was crippled. The see-saw of cancer is so frustrating! Wasn’t I just up on a ladder, doing three hours of yard work? Also though, wasn’t I JUST HERE with stitches in my rear end, undone by pain, unable to stand up by myself?

I usually have a one day pity-party rule, but not Monday. I have a special devotion to Mary. I cannot know her pain, or her suffering, but I know how it hurts when I can’t take care of my own children or protect them from the world’s pain. It’s worse than suffering myself. I wonder, did she cry for us all as she wept for Jesus? I prayed for her to help me through the day and she didn’t let me down.

My oncology nurse had me on a prednisone pack by afternoon and I was up and around, albeit hobbling, by dinner. He lent these children to me, and that’s all I ask, is that He allows me to raise them awhile longer.

I’m stuck with the steroids, a low dose hopefully, as long as I’m on the treatment. They make me cranky. Ask the appliance repair tech who is taking three weeks so far to fix our microwave. Ask my adolescent. I’m also stuck with painful feet and my heels are turning into hooves. And again one of my best friends accuses me of doing this for the free meals. NOPE! NOT WORTH IT!!

My dermatologist told me yesterday that everyone who stays on this drug gets basal cell carcinomas that need to be surgically removed. None yet though – WIN! I had an EKG this morning. I guess it wasn’t awful because although they didn’t tell me anything, they gave me a pretty picture and let me walk out of there. BONUS POINTS! I’m headed off to the ophthalmologist tomorrow since I’m having trouble with my vision. I should’ve owned up to that one earlier. As I said, I’m stubborn.

We continue to take it day by day. Hopefully I can just keep us all moving forward through the last two weeks of school. We are so thankful for a little help from our friends.